Facilitation can change the world.
Here at Facilitator Cards, we are adamant believers in the transformative ability of facilitation. We know that facilitation can have a profound effect on people’s lives, whether that’s helping people come to more collective decisions or empowering people to share their knowledge, thoughts, and experiences with each other.
And one of our goals at Facilitator Cards is to continuously partner with people and organizations whose mission is to make hard things easier.
Our most recent initiative to further this goal is focused on giving under-resourced educators access to support and tools to help them excel at their work.
We’re calling it Deal Me In.
The Deal With Deal Me In…
Deal Me In is a scholarship fund that gets educators who can’t otherwise afford Facilitator Cards, not only a deck of Facilitator Cards but access to all the resources, support, and community that we’re building every day.
This fund is committed to gifting decks of Facilitator Cards to under-resourced educators.
How do we fund Deal Me In?
Our community!
Every month we put on free events where instead of asking people to pay a fee for the event, we “pass the hat” and ask people to contribute to the scholarship fund.
(Can’t wait to make a contribution? We’ve got you. Click here!)
Any event that’s marked with “Community Event” is totally free to sign up for, and 100% of donations collected go directly to the Deal Me In fund.
For our Community, by our Community
Our first partnership has been with Break Free Education, which is an incredible organization working with teachers who educate incarcerated youth in the juvenile justice system. Supporting these teachers is essential in order to improve the education available to anyone in the juvenile and criminal justice systems.
We have two members of our Facilitator Cards community who work for Break Free Education and we were thrilled to partner up and get decks to teachers that serve all across the country.
Connecting with these wonderful facilitators also helped us understand some of the unique challenges that educators can face in secure facilities, making it so that there are times when they can’t bring in any additional materials (including Facilitator Cards) to their classrooms.
That inspired us to create the Facilitator Cards Airtable and was the beginning of our partnership.
Towards a Better World
We’re excited to share this project with you and hope that if you believe facilitation can change the world, you’ll consider supporting these wonderful educators at Break Free Education by making a donation to the scholarship fund.
Our work is to support so many of you out there doing incredible work in the world. Facilitation is a group activity, and like all aspects of facilitation, we couldn’t do this work without you!